Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12]
 Cbnmf_algs::details::CollapsedGibbsComputer< T, Scalar >Computer type that will compute the next collapsed gibbs sample when its operator() is invoked
 Cbnmf_algs::cuda::DeviceMemory1D< T >A wrapper template class around a contiguous array of T types laid out in device memory (GPU memory)
 Cbnmf_algs::cuda::DeviceMemory2D< T >A wrapper template class around 2D row-major pitched memory stored in device memory (GPU memory)
 Cbnmf_algs::cuda::DeviceMemory3D< T >A wrapper template class around 3D row-major pitched memory stored in device memory (GPU memory)
 Cbnmf_algs::bld::EMResult< T >Structure holding the results of EM procedures
 Cbnmf_algs::util::Generator< T, Computer >A template generator that generates values from an initial value by applying a computation to the previous value a given number of times
 Cbnmf_algs::util::Generator< std::pair< int, int >, details::bnmf_algs::details::SampleOnesNoReplaceComputer< T > >
 Cbnmf_algs::util::Generator< std::pair< int, int >, details::bnmf_algs::details::SampleOnesReplaceComputer< T > >
 Cbnmf_algs::cuda::HostMemory1D< T >A wrapper template class around a contiguous array of T types laid out in main memory (host memory)
 Cbnmf_algs::cuda::HostMemory2D< T >A wrapper template class around a row-major matrix type stored in main memory (host memory)
 Cbnmf_algs::cuda::HostMemory3D< T >A wrapper template class around a row-major 3D tensor stored in main memory (host memory)
 Cstd::iterator< std::forward_iterator_tag, std::pair< int, int > > [external]
 Cbnmf_algs::util::ComputationIterator< std::pair< int, int >, details::bnmf_algs::details::SampleOnesNoReplaceComputer< T > >
 Cbnmf_algs::util::ComputationIterator< std::pair< int, int >, details::bnmf_algs::details::SampleOnesReplaceComputer< T > >
 Cstd::iterator< std::forward_iterator_tag, T > [external]
 Cbnmf_algs::util::ComputationIterator< T, Computer >A template iterator that generates values via computation using the previous value
 Cbnmf_algs::alloc_model::Params< Scalar >Structure to hold the parameters for the Allocation Model [5]
 Cbnmf_algs::details::SampleOnesNoReplaceComputer< Scalar >Computer type that will compute the next sample from a given matrix without replacement when its operator() is invoked
 Cbnmf_algs::details::SampleOnesReplaceComputer< Scalar >Computer type that will compute the next sample from a given matrix with replacement when its operator() is invoked
 Cbnmf_algs::details::TotalMarginalCalculator< Integer, Scalar >Class to compute total \(p(X|\Theta) = \sum_S p(X|S)p(S|\Theta)\) for all possible allocation tensors while storing shared state between function invocations