Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 Nbnmf_algsMain namespace for bnmf-algs library
 Nalloc_modelNamespace that contains functions related to Allocation Model [5]
 CParamsStructure to hold the parameters for the Allocation Model [5]
 NbldNamespace that contains solver and auxiliary functions for Best Latent Decomposition (BLD) problem
 CEMResultStructure holding the results of EM procedures
 NcudaCuda namespace contains functions that operate on nvidia GPUs using CUDA routines
 CDeviceMemory1DA wrapper template class around a contiguous array of T types laid out in device memory (GPU memory)
 CDeviceMemory2DA wrapper template class around 2D row-major pitched memory stored in device memory (GPU memory)
 CDeviceMemory3DA wrapper template class around 3D row-major pitched memory stored in device memory (GPU memory)
 CHostMemory1DA wrapper template class around a contiguous array of T types laid out in main memory (host memory)
 CHostMemory2DA wrapper template class around a row-major matrix type stored in main memory (host memory)
 CHostMemory3DA wrapper template class around a row-major 3D tensor stored in main memory (host memory)
 NdetailsNamespace that contains types and functions for internal computations
 Nbld_multNamespace containing bld_mult update functions (CUDA/non-CUDA)
 CCollapsedGibbsComputerComputer type that will compute the next collapsed gibbs sample when its operator() is invoked
 CSampleOnesNoReplaceComputerComputer type that will compute the next sample from a given matrix without replacement when its operator() is invoked
 CSampleOnesReplaceComputerComputer type that will compute the next sample from a given matrix with replacement when its operator() is invoked
 CTotalMarginalCalculatorClass to compute total \(p(X|\Theta) = \sum_S p(X|S)p(S|\Theta)\) for all possible allocation tensors while storing shared state between function invocations
 NutilNamespace for general purpose utility functions to be used by all bnmf_algs functions
 CComputationIteratorA template iterator that generates values via computation using the previous value
 CGeneratorA template generator that generates values from an initial value by applying a computation to the previous value a given number of times